Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tips and Tricks 1

First let me say that I am not trying to turn anyone toward a vegetarian diet, but I will say not eating meat makes my job a LOT easier.  Rice and dry beans are quite inexpensive and allow for many different possibilities.  When I did eat meat that's where my weekly grocery money went.  But buy not eating meat I can afford some fresh vegetables and a few other items that I think are necessity, like flour and TVP (Textured Soy Protein). 

You may have noticed that my menu for the week did not include either breakfast or lunch.  I actually have a good reason for that, and it does include eating both meals.  When I make dinner I make enough for 4-8 people, this leaves plenty of leftover for the next days lunch and tupperware is much cheaper than McD's or the like.  Breakfast is also easy, no not the granola bars, I happened to have on had what I needed to make some very yummy banana nut muffins.  The recipe makes enough for 8-12 muffins depending on size, so they make enough for breakfast for two adults for two weeks.  Since the recipe uses wheat flour, bananas and applesauce they are healthy, low fat and filling.  This is also why I find flour a necessity.

So this weeks tips,

Forgo meat in favor of cheap high flavor veggies, like red peppers onions and sweet potatoes.

Always have bananas, flour and applesauce on hand.  They make for some yummy breakfast options.  Including an egg less french toast that I love.

Leftovers are great for more than dinner, have them for lunch the next day and you'll save money and calories.